Concluding Remarks

In the foregoing paragraphs, we have come up with recommendations on such issues as education system and curricular reform, campus life, pastoral care in schools, services for new immigrants, coordination among Diocese, parishes and schools, formation of educators, and the establishment of a Catholic university and community colleges. The biggest and ultimate aim of these recommendations is to endeavour, under the premise of promoting the Christian philosophy of life and the invaluable elements in Chinese culture, to help students to develop into persons who hold human values close to their heart, who are sound in body and mind, rich in compassion, with a sense of civic responsibility, a discerning mind and moral courage, and an ability to innovate.

Jesus Christ wants the faithful to be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”, to put their heart and mind to sanctifying humankind. In the words of Guanzi, “it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred to educate a man.” But, for the Church, the educational mission is a great undertaking that will last for thousands of years. In order to bring this sacred mission to fruition, the Hong Kong Catholic Board of Education should, through the Catholic Education Office, guide all Diocesan, Religious and Caritas schools to implement the above recommendations, with one heart and mind. On the other hand, since the establishment of a Catholic university will be a completely new undertaking, a separate committee should be set up to chart its course of development and take charge of all related matters.


  1. Declaration On Christian Education
  2. Ibid 10
  3. The Catholic School On The Threshold of The Third Millennium 14
  4. The Catholic School 34,35
  5. Lay Catholics In School – Witness To Faith 18
  6. The Catholic School On The Threshold of The Third Millennium 20
  7. Ecclesia-In Asia 33
  8. Ibid 6
  9. Ibid 38
  10. Ibid 41
  11. Ibid 34
  12. Ibid 45 47
  13. Ibid 48
  14. Jn 8:32
  15. Rev 21:1
  16. The Religious Dimension of Education In A Catholic School 88-95
  17. The Catholic School 38-43
  18. Ibid 41
  19. The Religious Dimension of Education In A Catholic School 24-30
  20. Ibid 47-50