  • 香港天主教教區學校聯會

    (一) 名稱 (1) 本會定名為「香港天主教教區學校聯會」(以下簡稱「本會」)。 (2) 凡由「天主教香港教區」(以下簡稱「教區」)主辦之各種程度之教育機構,均稱為「香港天主教教區學校」(以下簡稱「教區學校」)。 (3) 在本章程內,「主教」是指「教區主教」。   (二) 會址 本會之註冊地址為香港堅道二至八號C座二樓,天主教教育事務處。   (三) 宗旨 本會宗旨為: (1) 發揚福音精神,並促使會員學校在教育政策上謀求一致。 (2) 促進各校間密切之聯繫及合作。 (3) 舉辦活動,促進共融。   (四) 會員 凡教區學校均為本會會員,並按本會章第五條分組。   (五) 組織 (1) 會員分為下列三組: (a) 幼稚園組 :包括所有幼稚園 (b) 小學組 :包括所有小學 (c) 中學組 :包括所有中學 (2) 各組得自訂規章,惟須經主教批准,方可生效。   (六) 會員代表及其選舉權與投票權 (1) 每一教區學校均有兩代表席位,即由校監及校長代表出席本會會議。 (2) 每一代表均有選舉權及被選權。 (3) 每一代表均有一席投票權。若一入擔任多於一所學校的校監,亦只計算一票。   (七) 會長 (1) […]

  • Message for Lent 2020

    “We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20) Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. […]

  • Easter message 2019

    An Easter message 2019 This is the day which Yahweh has made, a day for us to rejoice (Psalm 118.24) Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: May the Resurrected Lord bestow his peace and joy upon you! Thank God for giving us over two or three thousand adult candidates to be baptized as Catholics […]

  • Looking at the Church with the Eyes of Faith

    Pastoral Letter of Cardinal John Tong Looking at the Church with the Eyes of Faith Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Peace of the Lord be with you!   As we all know, the Church is a community, but what makes her so different from secular communities is that her members are called by God, […]

  • Message to the Catholics of China and to the Universal Church

    MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO THE CATHOLICS OF CHINA AND TO THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH   “Eternal is his merciful love; He is faithful from age to age” (Psalm 100:5)     Dear brother bishops, priests, consecrated men and women and all the faithful of the Catholic Church in China, let us thank the […]

  • Pastoral Letter for Advent 2018

    Practice, Belief, Youth  Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all” (1 Thessalonians 3:12).  The Church in her liturgy begins the season of Advent with an expression of passionate and ever-youthful yearning for the coming of Christ, calling upon the Almighty […]

  • 2018-2019年度天主教學校初次受聘教師發展日

    中學 小學及幼稚園

  • Concluding Remarks

    In the foregoing paragraphs, we have come up with recommendations on such issues as education system and curricular reform, campus life, pastoral care in schools, services for new immigrants, coordination among Diocese, parishes and schools, formation of educators, and the establishment of a Catholic university and community colleges. The biggest and ultimate aim of these […]

  • III. Recommendations

    In order to carry out their educational “mission”, and through the inculcation of the Christian spirit and the invaluable essence of Chinese culture, to turn their ultimate “vision” into reality, the Catholic School Sponsoring Bodies in Hong Kong must begin with a scrutiny of the education system and a curricular reform, provide a healthy campus […]

  • II. Vision And Mission

    II. Vision And Mission After the analysis of the current situations, in order to chart the future course of educational development, we must first ask ourselves what are our final aspirations. In other words, in using education to edify and reform the masses, in final analysis, what sort of community do we wish to foster? […]