Pastoral Letter on Living the Lenten Experience of “Metanoia”
  • Pastoral Letter on Living the Lenten Experience of “Metanoia”

    “Rend your hearts, not your garments, And return to the Lord, your God…” Joel 2: 13 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I thank our Heavenly Father for giving me, in his goodness and mercy, the grace of being able to share with you the blessings and deep joy of Lent that come from the […]

  • Notes

    1. Among many documents illustrating the importance of education confer above all apostolic letter of Benedict XV, Communes Litteras, April 10, 1919: A.A.S. 11 (1919) p. 172. Pius XI’s apostolic encyclical, Divini Illius Magistri, Dec. 31, 1929: A.A.S. 22 (1930) pp. 49-86. Pius XII’s allocution to the youths of Italian Catholic Action, April 20, 1946: Discourses and Radio Messages, vol. […]

  • 8. Catholic Schools

    The influence of the Church in the field of education is shown in a special manner by the Catholic school. No less than other schools does the Catholic school pursue cultural goals and the human formation of youth. But its proper function is to create for the school community a special atmosphere animated by the […]

  • 4. Various Aids to Christian Education

    In fulfilling its educational role, the Church, eager to employ all suitable aids, is concerned especially about those which are her very own. Foremost among these is catechetical instruction,(16) which enlightens and strengthens the faith, nourishes life according to the spirit of Christ, leads to intelligent and active participation in the liturgical mystery(17) and gives […]

  • III. The School As A Centre Of Human Formation

    25. To understand fully the specific mission of the Catholic school it is essential to keep in mind the basic concept of what a school is; that which does not reproduce the characteristic features of a school cannot be a Catholic school.  The general purpose of a school  26. A close examination of the various […]

  • II. Present Difficulties Over Catholic Schools

    16. In the light of her mission of salvation, the Church considers that the Catholic school provides a privileged environment for the complete formation of her members, and that it also provides a highly important service to mankind. Nevertheless, she is aware of the many problems that exist and objections that are made against Catholic […]

  • I. Anaysis Of Current Situations

    I. Anaysis Of Current Situations The current conditions of education in Hong Kong are most intricate and complex. We shall first attempt a brief analysis of the social environment and youth problems. We shall then examine schools’ general negligence of Chinese culture and make a summary scrutiny of the shortcomings in Catholic educational undertakings. Social […]

  • Prologue

    “Education” and “culture” belong to two entirely different, but closely related fields. In discussing the future development of education and culture, this document will focus on “education”, but insert a “culture” component, which is related to education. In 1989, in his Pastoral Exhortation, His Eminence Cardinal John-Baptist WU Cheng-Chung hailed Education, Pastoral Care and Social […]

  • 「天主教學校領導」培訓課程 (小學 APSM 及幼稚園資深教師)

      為落實推行天主教教育的使命及提高教區學校在職學校人員的専業水平,以增強他們面對未來挑戰的能力,教區學校中央校董會繼續舉辦「天主教學校領導」培訓課程。有關課程是以天主教教育使命為核心,內容包括天主教教育信念與價值觀、領導知識及管理技巧。請各位校長推薦適合的教師參加,並於本年 2 月 4 日前先到網上表格 初步報名,並將申請表格寄交或傳真 2881-5960 予天主教教育事務處 葉助理。

  • 簡介

      香港天主教教區於1992年開始,於教區小學設立「學生輔導教師」(SGT)職位,負責推行小學學生輔導服務。由教育事務主教代表助理、教區小學校長及專業輔導人員組成「小學學生輔導服務協調小組」。由2002至2003學年開始,政府將藉現有學生輔導教師/主任,以及新增的學生輔導服務津貼改善小學學生輔導服務。為進一步改善學生輔導服務,由2006至2007學年開始,學生輔導人手比率已改為1比1所18班或以上小學,或0.5比1所5至17班小學。在這比率下,現時教區有20位學生輔導教師及33位學生輔導人員推行全方位學生輔導服務,工作包括: (一)校本全方位輔導計劃(預防、補救及發展性活動) (二)學生輔導工作 (三)學生倫理、德育輔導或個人成長課程 (四)家長及教師支援及發展工作。 小學學生輔導服務旨為促進全校教職同工參與輔導,發展教師前線輔導者的角色,共同建構友愛及關顧的學校文化,並透過家校合作,推動家長教育,為學生營造一個互相接納、尊重和愉快的學習環境,讓學生充份發揮潛能,達致均衡的全人發展。