Message for Easter 2024
  • Message for Easter 2024

    Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Today throughout the world there resounds the message proclaimed two thousand years ago from Jerusalem: “Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has been raised!” (Mk 16:6). The Church relives the amazement of the women who went to the tomb at dawn on the first day of the week. The […]

  • Easter Message 2024

    Easter Message 2024 The Stranger Who Brings Hope “Then they said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?’ So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem” (Luke 24:32-33)   Running away   Unlike the colourful, bright, […]

  • Message for Lent 2024

    Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom Dear brothers and sisters! When our God reveals himself, his message is always one of freedom: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (Ex 20:2). These are the first words of the Decalogue […]

  • Lenten Pastoral Letter and Video 2024

    Journeying Together as Companions YouTube link: My dear sisters and brothers in the Lord, We are once again on the threshold of the Season of Lent, the season of spiritual preparation before entering into the sorrows and joys of our Lord’s paschal mystery. Sorrows for our darkened humanity failing to wholeheartedly embrace God as God […]

  • Message for the 57th world day of peace

    1 January 2024 Artificial Intelligence and Peace At the beginning of the New Year, a time of grace which the Lord gives to each one of us, I would like to address God’s People, the various nations, heads of state and government, the leaders of the different religions and civil society, and all the men […]

  • Christmas message 2023

    As Hong Kong and most parts of the world are psyched up for the celebration of the Christmas festivities, what are the dominant outlooks that may colour our capacity to celebrate? There is news of wars and terrorism continuing in daily news, geopolitical tensions concerning China in particular, which have bearings on Hong Kong, a […]

  • Advent message 2023

    Advent Pastoral Letter 2023 Becoming A Synodal People of God “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me…. To announce a year of favour from the Lord” (Isaiah 61:1a, 2a) My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Advent comes a little later this year, but the season of […]

  • Lenten message 2021

    Lenten message from our apostolic administrator Renewal and Conversion Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Lent is a holy time that we Christians prepare ourselves, with our mind and heart renewed, to celebrate the Risen Christ. During the forty days of Lent, like Christ, we pray and fast, meditating on His life, passion, death […]

  • Organizational Structure of Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Schools Council

    Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Schools Council Executive Committee (1/2024-12/2025) Chairperson : Mr. Lam Chi Kong Vice-Chairperson : Mr. Poon Wing Keung                                  Mr. Yau Yue Man                             […]